As you may know from the first page of this website, I design and develop software user documentation and various other information products for desktop and web-enabled software applications using major online formats.

Many software organisations may opt to do the development of the user documentation in-house for cost reasons. If your organisation does the documentation in-house then I can assist by providing a proofreading and editing service, examining your documentation content carefully to find and correct typographical errors and mistakes in grammar, style, and spelling which are unknowingly and unwittingly committed.

This service also extends to specification, policy, procedure, and process documentation that may require checking and improvement.


I will closely examine your project for spelling, punctuation and typographical errors and ensure readability by assessing verb tense, grammar, sentence fragments, run-on sentences, subject-verb disagreement, comma splices and other grammatical usage.


During this process I will concentrate on the logical flow, organisation, structure, transition, phrasing ambiguities, lexical register, levels of diction, rhythm and colloquialism and further focus on your need for consistency, clarity, tone, theme, style, concision, and audience appropriateness.


If required, I can evaluate your project to make sure it conforms to recommended style requirements - I predominantly use the latest Microsoft Writing Style Guide. However, if you use another style specification then I will use that one.