There are times when processes and issues exist that are external to the software but implicit to the business process and required to be available for reference and research. Users should not have to stop the task they are performing to hunt around for printed materials or information before they can get on with the task at hand. Therefore, the user documentation should provide access links directly to available reference material.
The visual metaphors for navigating through and displaying information in online knowledge documentation must be available to allow users to find what they need quickly and can also be available for specific screens or menus, so users can just click a button, image or a menu item to get more information.
Online knowledge documentation puts the user in charge. The user determines where to go next and what paths to take, limited only by the ways the author has set up and linked the information. Online documentation encourages exploration and can aid learning.
You can increase your bottom line by decreasing the paper, printing, production, and distribution costs. You can also lower technical support costs by providing extra application Help or knowledge-based Help systems.
Online knowledge documentation offers timely and rapid publication because it eliminates the printed production process. You can update the information electronically and distribute it electronically. If you deliver online knowledge documentation on the Internet or an intranet, you can provide users with real-time updates. You can also allow them to download updates when they need to.
The visual metaphors for navigating through and displaying information in online knowledge documentation must be available to allow users to find what they need quickly and can also be available for specific screens or menus, so users can just click a button, image or a menu item to get more information.
Increased user control
Online knowledge documentation puts the user in charge. The user determines where to go next and what paths to take, limited only by the ways the author has set up and linked the information. Online documentation encourages exploration and can aid learning.
Decreased costs
You can increase your bottom line by decreasing the paper, printing, production, and distribution costs. You can also lower technical support costs by providing extra application Help or knowledge-based Help systems.
Rapid publishing
Online knowledge documentation offers timely and rapid publication because it eliminates the printed production process. You can update the information electronically and distribute it electronically. If you deliver online knowledge documentation on the Internet or an intranet, you can provide users with real-time updates. You can also allow them to download updates when they need to.